Social Security Resources & Guides

Can You Opt Out Of Social Security? | Full Guide Inside

Most people get disappointed when they see the amount of Social Security taxes withheld from their paychecks each month. When it comes to self-employment, those individuals are usually left writing a big check to the IRS when income tax time rolls around. Since Social Security taxes are used to fund retirement benefits and other benefits Read more…

Does A Second Wife Get Social Security From Her Husband?

A spouse is one of the most common beneficiaries of Social Security benefits. Most people know that they can qualify for spousal benefits based on their spouse’s work history, even if they have not worked on their own. But many people get divorced and remarried during their lifetime. Some might even do this more than Read more…

How Does Social Security Work? | Comprehensive (2023) Guide

Even if you are not nearing retirement age, you have likely heard about Social Security in the news. While millions of Americans receive Social Security benefits each month, many people do not know how the system works. You might wonder how you qualify for benefits, when you can receive benefits, or how much your benefit Read more…

What Is The Maximum Social Security Benefit & How To Get It

With millions of retirees relying on Social Security benefits, they all want to make their monthly Social Security payments as high as possible. There are several things you can do to maximize your Social Security benefits, but there is a maximum benefit. Unfortunately, very few Social Security beneficiaries qualify for the maximum payment each month. Read more…

Social Security Tips | 8 Ways To Maximize Your Benefits

With the prices of almost everything on the rise, many people wonder how they can get more out of their Social Security benefits. Living on Social Security can be tough, so it is imperative that you get the most out of your retirement benefits as possible. So, just what can you do to maximize those Read more…

Social Security Trust Funds | (Full Guide) To How They Work

If you know anything about the Social Security program, you have likely heard about the Social Security trust funds. However, most people don’t know exactly what these trust funds are or how they work. When many people think of a trust fund, they think of a large pile of money that can never run out. Read more…

Do Social Security Cards Expire? | [Full Details] Inside

Most documents that we are familiar with have an expiration date. For instance, your driver’s license expires every few years, and you must renew your license to keep it valid. It can also be a huge headache when you need a document for important business only to find out that it has expired. You then Read more…

Is Your Social Security Number On Your Passport? | New Guide

When you travel internationally, you must present your passport when arriving in and departing from other countries. Even though you may have used your passport recently, have you closely examined your U.S. passport to see what information is included there? You likely already know that your name and photo are on your passport, but what Read more…