Elliot Marks, Author Bio

What Documents Do I Need To Apply For Medicare? Get Ready To Enroll

If you are approaching age 65, you are likely already considering your Medicare coverage options. Younger individuals can also qualify for Medicare in some cases, but do you know what documentation you will need when you apply? The Medicare application process is not that difficult, but it requires some specific documents. Your specific situation will Read more…

Social Security Change Of Address: Simple & Easy

If you receive benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA), you need to keep your address current with them. Sometimes, the SSA sends correspondence about your Social Security benefits to your home address. Similarly, if you request a replacement Social Security card or Medicare card, it will be sent to your home address. So, what Read more…

When Does Social Security Recalculate Benefits?

You might think that once you start receiving Social Security benefits, you will continue to receive the same benefit amount each month for the rest of your life. However, that is not the case. There are a few different things that could cause your benefit payment to increase, and you might notice an increase every Read more…

Guide To Medicare Card Replacement | Lost, Stolen Or Damaged

Your Medicare card is the primary way that you will provide your Medicare coverage details to your health care providers. Whenever you visit the doctor, you will likely need to show them your Medicare card to have your medical services covered. However, what happens if your card is lost or stolen? You will need to Read more…

How To Apply For Social Security In 3 Easy Steps

You may have already started calculating your Social Security benefits as you approach retirement age. Most people estimate these benefits before retirement to ensure they have enough money in their monthly budget. When retirement finally rolls around, you will need to start your Social Security retirement benefits. But how do you let the Social Security Read more…

I Lost My Social Security Card | How To Quickly Replace It

Your Social Security card is an extremely important document, and you should do everything you can to keep it safe. However, accidents sometimes still happen. So, what happens if you lose your Social Security card? There are some things that you need to do to keep yourself safe after losing your card, but thankfully, the Read more…

Minimum Social Security Benefit | 2024 Amounts & Eligibility

You probably already know that your Social Security retirement benefits will be calculated based on your lifetime earnings history. The more money you make while working, the more money you will receive from Social Security. There is a direct correlation between how much you pay in Social Security taxes and how much your monthly benefit Read more…

What Is Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? | Full Guide

You often hear about Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, in the same context as Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI. While the Social Security Administration handles and administers both of these programs, the two are entirely separate. There are also very distinct differences between the two regarding funding, eligibility, and payment amounts. SSI benefits exist Read more…

How To Get A New Social Security Card | Full Guide for 2024

A Social Security card is an essential document, and you often need it for identity verification purposes. For example, when you start a new job, you will need your card as part of the I-9 verification process to start work. Most of the time, you are required to present your original card. Photocopies will not Read more…