This page provides a list of Clinton Township Social Security office locations in Michigan. Select one of the office locations below to get the Social Security office hours, phone number and driving directions. They can help you with questions or issues with your retirement benefits and schedule an appointment, if required.
We have searched our system and could not find a SSA office in Clinton Township, Michigan. However, we did search for all nearby office locations within 40 miles. We provide the distance for each Social Security office location found below to help assist you in finding a nearby location.
26200 21 Mile Road
Chesterfield, Michigan 48051 (7.4 miles)
19853 West Outer Drive
Dearborn, Michigan 48124 (24.5 miles)
27650 Farmington Rd
Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334 (23.7 miles)
3971 Research Park Dr., Suite A
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 (47.1 miles)
Remember to Bring the Necessary Documents
Depending on the purpose of your Abernant Social Security Office visit, you'll most likely need to bring documentation such as:
- Your birth certificate
- Your passport
- Proof of United States citizenship or legal US residency
- Your Social Security Card
- Proof of address
- Bank statements and/or proof of income
Coming prepared is essential. Nobody wants to make a trip and wait in line just to have to reschedule! Remember that if you're unsure as to what you'll need to bring to your appointment, call your Social Security Office in Abernant in advance to double-check!