Free Government Money & Financial Help For Seniors Over 50

Reviewed by Nate Harris

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free government assistance

Many financial assistance programs are available for seniors over 50, and you might need to be made aware of many of them!

Some programs are explicitly targeted at low-income individuals, but you might be surprised to find out that you can still qualify for them. From healthcare options to free appliances, there is a wide variety of organizations out there that provide support to senior citizens in many aspects of their lives.

Not only can you get free government money in some cases, but nonprofit organizations and other private entities will help you.

If you are over 50 or have a loved one in this category, keep reading to learn about many of the available programs.

Free Government Money & Financial Assistance Application Process

The application process for most of these benefit programs varies slightly from one program to the next. However, there are some general guidelines that you can follow that are required across all the programs.

  1. First, you must check the eligibility criteria to ensure you qualify for the program.
  2. Next, you will want to complete the application for the program thoroughly. Ensure you answer all the questions and do not leave blanks or missing information. This could cause your application to be denied even though you might otherwise qualify.
  3. Finally, make sure you attach all the required documentation to your application. Some programs might require you to submit proof of income, proof of your housing situation, or evidence of a medical condition. Failure to submit the required documents will result in your application being denied.

As with many government benefits, the application process is one of the most complex parts of getting assistance.

Contact the program directly if you are unsure about the process or criteria. They can advise you about the eligibility requirements associated with their program.

Remember that some government programs are administered by the federal government while others are administered by state governments. Ensure you take advantage of all the programs for which you might be eligible.


  • Seniors can access government benefits such as Social Security, SSI, Medicare, and Medicaid.
  • Many organizations offer free or discounted products/services for seniors, such as free phones, free tax preparation, and food.
  • Seniors may qualify for college, healthcare, or home improvement grants to minimize the costs of these services.

Free Government Benefits Available To Seniors Over 50

Regarding financial aid for seniors, many of the benefits available are through government entities.

While some benefits are available through private and nonprofit organizations, the government provides extra help to many low-income families and individuals.

Here are some of the best government benefits you can use.


Social Security

Most people think Social Security is only available to those 60 and older. However, that is not the case. In some situations, you can receive Social Security benefits at age 50.

  • If you are caring for a child of the primary beneficiary, you can receive Social Security spousal benefits at any age.
  • If you are a widow or widower with a disability, you can start your spousal benefits at age 50.

This rule allows you to receive 71% or more of the deceased spouse’s primary insurance amount, even if you don’t have a work history. This can significantly benefit seniors over 50 who need government assistance.



Supplemental Security Income benefits can help low-income seniors over 50 receive benefits due to a disability. SSI benefits are similar to SSDI benefits, although SSI benefits require no work history.

If you are disabled and unable to work, you can get a monthly payment from the Social Security Administration. The average SSI payment for an adult is $670 per month, which can provide significant financial assistance to seniors who need it. There is no age requirement for SSI help.

Even if you are under 50, you can still get SSI benefits if you are disabled and unable to work. Similarly, you can get assistance at age 65, even if you don’t have a disability.



Medicare Part A and Part B help cover medical costs for seniors, and many seniors qualify for Part A coverage without paying a monthly premium.

Some Medicare programs, like the Medicare Extra Help program and the Medicare Savings Program, can help cover the cost of prescription medications in addition to helping with healthcare costs.

Those programs can also help cover the cost of your Medicare Part B premium each month.



Medicaid benefits are available to individuals and families of any age with limited income.

Medicaid is funded jointly by the federal and state governments so that each state can set its own rules for the program.

Medicaid can help seniors over 50 with medical bills, prescription medications, and other items. In most cases, you won’t have to pay your provider a copayment or coinsurance amount.

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Free Services Available To Seniors Over 50

In addition to the government benefits mentioned above, there are many free services available to seniors over 50. From housing assistance to free phones, there are many programs available that many people are not even aware of. Here are some of the best free services available to those over 50.

  • Free Phones

    The federal Lifeline program allows seniors to receive free phones if their income is below 135% of the federal poverty level and they already participate in other government benefit programs like Medicaid or SNAP. However, these phones are not always free. The Lifeline program also allows you to receive a discount from the major phone carriers.

  • Free Transportation

    Older adults can often receive free transportation through the senior center programs available in their city. These services will usually provide rides to doctor’s visits, grocery stores, and other locations throughout the city. You should contact your local municipality for more information and details.

  • Free Legal Services

    Many free legal services are available to help seniors with legal services, such as making a will or power of attorney. These are typically nonprofit organizations that receive government grants to help seniors with these matters. You can contact the Legal Services Corporation to find a local provider in your area who provides these free services.

  • Free Tax Preparation

    Seniors can receive free tax preparation services through programs provided by the IRS or through local organizations. This can help seniors find tax deductions and prepare their returns at no cost. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly are the two most popular programs for seniors needing assistance with their tax returns.

  • Free HVAC

    Government grant programs are available to help seniors who need to replace an outdated or inefficient HVAC, furnace, or air conditioning system. The three main types of programs are the Weatherization Assistance Program, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, and Energy Star. Replacing an HVAC can be a significant financial burden for seniors, so these programs make the process much easier for them.

  • Free Food

    Many seniors qualify for free food through SNAP or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. This program is administered individually in each state, so you should contact your state SNAP office to apply for benefits. In addition, Meals on Wheels provides free food and meals for seniors in local communities. These programs contribute to outstanding community service by providing free food. Caregivers can also visit local food banks to assist seniors in need with getting free food.

  • Free Money For Widows (Survivors Benefits)

    The Social Security Administration provides benefits for widows and widowers in a couple of forms. They provide a lump sum payment and monthly benefits to qualifying individuals. You do not always have to be over 50 to receive these benefits. An online application for survivor benefits is unavailable now, so you must apply over the phone or in person at your local Social Security office.

  • SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program)

    The SHIP program provides many resources to seniors to learn how to get assistance with health insurance and prescription drugs. In some cases, this might include government vouchers for medications and reduced or free premiums from Medicare.

  • SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)

    The SNAP program provides free food to seniors in need. An application for SNAP should be made through your state-sponsored program. In addition to SNAP, you might also be able to get free food from Meals on Wheels or other nutrition assistance programs. Many seniors living alone and not on homecare take advantage of these excellent programs.

  • The IRS Elderly Tax Credit

    This tax credit from the IRS allows certain seniors to receive a tax credit on taxable disability income. Many people rely solely on their disability income, so this credit helps them keep more of their money.

  • BenefitsCheckUp

    The National Council on Aging provides the BenefitsCheckUp tool. It allows seniors to find many assistance programs in a single place. They can use the tool to apply for SNAP, learn more about Medicare subsidies, and find many social services in their community that they can take advantage of.

  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

    This program allows seniors free or reduced-cost HVAC, furnace, and air conditioning systems. Through government grants, it will enable individuals in need to replace old, inefficient systems with new energy-saving systems.

  • iCanConnect

    This wonderful organization distributes equipment to those with hearing or vision impairments so they can stay connected with friends and family. The equipment might allow them to keep in touch over the phone or through other means. Without this program, the equipment would be so expensive that many seniors would be unable to afford it.


There are many different Government and Non-Profit Organizations that have programs designed to assist seniors. These programs can be a great way to get free money or discounted services for things you need. 

Free Grants Available To Seniors Over 50

Grants are free money from the government that you do not have to repay if you meet the eligibility criteria. The government has many significant grants that seniors can take advantage of. Here are some of the most common:


Business Grants

The Small Business Administration does not provide direct grants to seniors to help them open a business. However, the SBA does make grants to community organizations that provide services to seniors. In some cases, these local organizations might make grants to seniors to help them open a business.


College Grants

If you are considering going back to college, you might be able to get a government grant to pay for it. If you have never gotten college assistance in the past, your chances of getting a grant are even higher. Seniors can apply for these grants, and some are available specifically to people returning to college.


Healthcare Grants

Healthcare grants are not as common as some of the other types we have discussed, but you may be able to get money for this purpose indirectly.

For instance, you might get Medicaid to pay for a nursing home or other medical services you need as a senior. There are income requirements for these programs, so only those who need them will usually qualify.


Home Improvement Grants

Several grant programs are available to assist low-income senior homeowners with home repairs and improvements.

In addition, the HUD housing program can offer rent assistance for individuals who might not otherwise have a place to live. Programs are also available through the USDA to help with housing expenses.

Organizations That Help Senior Citizens

In addition to free government money, many nonprofit organizations help seniors in need. Many of these programs are nationwide, and a local chapter is likely in your area. Here are some of the best organizations out there that will help you.


Senior Living

Senior Living provides valuable information to both seniors and caregivers. This program can offer discounts on many items and services you likely need as a senior, like medical alert devices or hearing aids. Senior Living can also provide resources related to housing assistance and other necessary programs.


Volunteers Of America

Volunteers of America typically provide housing assistance to those in need, and you do not always have to be a senior to take advantage of their services. This organization has existed for 125 years and has many resources to help people.


Feeding America

Feeding America is the largest hunger relief organization in the United States. It partners with local food banks to provide food to people in need. Many people, including seniors, families, and younger individuals, take advantage of these wonderful services.

School-age children can also receive free meals from this organization during the summer when they are not in school. Feeding America has thousands of local branches nationwide, providing food to local communities.


Dental Lifeline Network

Even though many seniors receive health care access through Medicare or Medicaid, these programs do not generally include dental coverage. Medicare dental plans are only available through Medicare Advantage, which usually requires the payment of a monthly premium.

The Dental Lifeline Network utilizes a network of dentists who volunteer their services to help those in need. Seniors can complete an application for coverage and might not even need to pay anything at all in many cases.


Retirement Jobs

Retirement Jobs specifically helps seniors over 50 find employment. They work with age-friendly employers and can assist seniors who are looking to switch careers after a previous job.

Sometimes, they might need to look for work to make ends meet. Whatever their goals, retirement jobs can help these seniors find employment.

The Bottom Line

There are several government programs available that provide money to seniors over 50, and many nonprofit organizations exist to help these people.

Whether you are looking for housing assistance, free HVAC systems, or dental care, you should examine the list of services in this article.

Some programs have income limits, while others will help you simply because of your age. These programs can be a great way to get free money or services you might not know about.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the name of the government program that provides cash benefits to senior citizens?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides cash benefits to people over 65 or younger individuals with a disability.

This program has income requirements, and you must have income below a certain threshold to qualify for these benefits.

The SSI program is reserved for those with a true financial need, and you must provide documentation proving your financial need before being approved for benefits.

Is age 55 considered a senior citizen?

The definition of a senior citizen differs from one organization to the next. While some organizations might consider someone who is 55 to be a senior citizen, other organizations might not recognize you as a senior citizen until age 65.

The best way to determine whether or not you qualify as a senior citizen for benefit eligibility is to contact the organization that administers the program. They can immediately tell you the age requirements for the program.

What benefits do you get at age 50?

At age 50, you can qualify for many benefits from the government and private organizations. Some might be as simple as a discount on your meal at a restaurant. Other benefits are more valuable, like Social Security survivor benefits.

If you are interested in a specific benefit program, you should check its eligibility criteria to determine whether you can qualify at age 50.

How much can a senior citizen have in the bank?

No limit exists to how much money a senior citizen can have in the bank. Some senior citizens have millions of dollars in the bank.

However, the amount of money that you have in the bank can affect your eligibility for some government programs and assistance.

For example, Medicaid is only available to those with a financial need. So, having too much money in the bank would prevent you from getting into the Medicaid program.

What discounts can you get after age 50?

Many discounts are available for people aged 50 and over, such as wireless discounts from T-Mobile or AT&T, gas discounts at Exxon, and deals on shipping services at The UPS Store.

We’ve highlighted many of the discounts in the above article, and you can also search the Internet for additional discounts.

How do I find a Social Security office near me?

You can find a Social Security Administration office near you by using our SSA office locator and searching for your closest location.

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FREE eBook Social Security Benefits: Quick Guide

Reading this simple 20 page book will provide you with a foundational knowledge regarding the different Social Security benefits such as...Survivor Benefits, Impact of Claiming Social Security Early and so much more!